Thursday 3 January 2013

Task 2b: Reflective Writing

Journal writing experience.

In this task we had to try out different ways of writing our journals. I got inspiration from the list of ways to write given in the handbook and I found this exciting and interesting. I chose 7 of the different ways to write and used them in my journal for a week. Here's how I got on...

I think this would be the normal way I would write a diary anyway. I wrote about my day in chronological order expressing my inner thoughts and feelings With detail, much like how I would talk to someone personally. I like writing in this format because it makes me feel at ease when I write my feelings and see how I actually feel and sometimes I surprise myself with the outcome of why I may have felt this way initially.

This was a quick and efficient way to keep a personal log of my day. It didn't take me long at all and listed what happened and briefly how I may have felt. This way of writing is good for when time is minimal and I need to keep a quick log of happenings throughout the day. I could use this way of writing to record my day and then come back to it in the evening and extend it into a descriptive format. One thing I don't like about this style of writing was the lack of emotion I added to it. This didn't help me reflect very well later, but was just a log of my day.

Initial reflection
The initial reflection day was easy in some way because I was meeting someone on the day for the first time and so could make an initial reflection but then the rest of my day was pretty basic and boring so there wasn't much for me to go on. What I did take into account whilst looking back on this day was how I may have come across on first impressions. This is important and can relate to my professional practise too, like in an audition situation.

I thought this way of writing was great. Not only did I use the descriptive technique, which comes naturally to me, I also used evaluation techniques to come to a conclusion or to weigh up the day in pros and cons. I also found out why I think my actions are correct and why I think my co-workers might react the way they do and why I don't think their way of handling things is necessarily always correct. This is a great way for me to openly reflect and weigh up situations. I learned that I'm not always as confident in certain situations as I sometimes think I am.

Like the list, this was brief and efficient, but I thought it allowed me to be openly emotive. I created a chart made up of my morning, afternoon and evening of one day and wrote down 9 feelings I may have on a regular day. Throughout the day I scored each feeling with a number of stars from 1-5 (poor-good) and this helped me to really see not only how I felt but how much of it I felt. I could look back and reflect on what I felt most by weighing up the different emotions. Could definitely use this technique again if I have a lack of time.

What if?
This technique was different but I liked it. I could log my day yet put an imaginary, creative twist on it. I found this really allowed me to let out my true desires and also my worst fears. Truely allowed me to open up to myself which is sometimes harder than youd think. Great to look back reflect from.

Another view
This was the only way of writing I didn't necessarily agree with. I understand how it could be good to look back on your own day through someone or something else's perspective but honestly I found it too tricky and could get inside the mind of someone else! Maybe I'm just not very good at this one but I didn't take to it very well and felt like I was just guessing, seeing as I don't really know the person very well who I decided to write from.

Trying out all of these ways of wroting is really helpful and useful to see how i could reflect upon myself and I think for the rest of the course I will continue to use the description and evaluation techniques combined together so that I can fully emote and describe by day then come to a conclusion at the end to measure up those feelings, to move on to better,

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