Tuesday 9 October 2012

1st Campus session today

Today I attended my first campus session for module 1.
Prior to today, The one task I didn't start was task 1b; this was because i wasn't sure what the question was asking or where i should start?! and although I had read through the reader, copious blogs and seen how others began to answer this task, I still felt like I didn't fully understand what i needed to be looking at to complete the task correctly. But today's campus session was extremely helpful as we looked at all the areas i was unsure of.
I found it helpful to read the articles independently and then talk about the notes everyone else and myself had made aloud. I now know how to pick out the important points in the article that could help what i'm looking for. The long words used in the articles threw me at first, but Bobbie had a great idea of replacing those words with simplified terms in the actual article itself, after finding the definition in the dictionary. Then every time this words pops up it will help me to get through the text quicker.
From reading the O'Reilly article on his attempt to explain what web 2.0 means, I came to a clear understanding of what O'Reilly wanted to get across. He showed a positive approach to 2.0 and gave pros and cons in comparison to 1.0 sites. I thought this article was a good introductory visit to web 2.0 and have made a few bullet points to explain to other bloggers who might want to know what 2/0 is:

What is web 2.0?

  • Web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier web sites
  • Users can participate in 2.0 sites (delivered as a service- not a product)
  • Can be formal, informal, social or an informative database
  • web 2.0 sites are said to be 'continually improving'
Examples of web 2.0 sites: Facebook, Twitter, Wiki, blogs, Youtube

Hope this may help future bloggers looking for a better understanding ;) 
Tomorrow i will start my task 1b! Until then.. x

1 comment:

  1. Have you given any thought to how Web 2.0 or professional communications technologies can advance your professional practice, learning and knowledge - I look forward to seeing you develop the blog further as you move on through the next set of tasks on the Reflective Practitioner
